Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Musical notes By Malcolm Boag

Classroom Music
Students from grade P-6 have been making music in groups and as a class, and 2s to 6s are starting to make music on recorder, guitar and percussion instruments. Preps love to play the BIG double bass and the tiny violins.

Instrumental Music
Over 100 students are learning in the weekly instrumental and singing lessons. Music staff now numbers 11. Band rehearses each Monday at 2.30pm, attracting advanced players and beginners.
Band Captains for 2010 are Kelsey and Tomas . They will serve as great role models for younger musicians. Congratulations to you both. Their roles will include setting up for band, organising band librarians and comparing concerts.
If you are buying an instrument it is vital that you get good advice. There are a number of shoddy brands out there which are either hard to play or plain don't work and they're not always cheap. Before you buy call in and have a chat with Mr Boag. The big event coming up is the 'Band on the Run' playing tour to the Northern Territory late in August. Special events include sitting in on a rehearsal of their Symphony Orchestra and a play out at Litchfield Park.

Hall Sound and Lighting
Three Grade 6 students are currently being trained as technicians to set up and operate equipment for various events are supporting weekly assemblies, special events, plays and concerts. They can set sound levels and provide theatre lighting. It is a great area of responsibility where kids can learn real life skills.